The landlady of an historic St Albans public house has confirmed a date for closure ahead of a major sports-themed refurbishment this spring.
Plans to build 550 homes in Hertfordshire have been approved despite concerns about the impact on the green belt and traffic.
The arts, economy, immigration and reparations, along with the Jamaica Neighborhood Plan, will be discussed at a free community conversation held by the Black Spectrum Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 23, ...
House prices in St Albans increased in December, rising more than the average across the East of England, new figures show.
The developer has appealed against St Albans District Council's refusal of plans to build 76 flats at the site of vacant the vacant ...
A modern six-bedroom family home in St Albans in Nimrod Close with a 'high spec' garden is on the market for £1.5 million.
Shelters for survivors of sexual and domestic violence in Northwestern Vermont are running out of room, so a new shelter is ...
The report sanctioned by the Office for National Statistics showed that homes in the city are now selling for an average ...
Fashion brand Nobody’s Child is delighted to announce the opening of its new standalone store on Christopher Place, St Albans ...
Two fly-tippers have been successfully prosecuted by St Albans City and District Council after illegally dumping waste.
HOUSE buyers have the chance to put down an affordable deposit as the cheapest places to buy across the entire Nation have ...
Dozens of social homes in St Albans were sold through the Right to Buy scheme over the last five years, new figures show.