You’ve come a long way since the ill-advised dorm room beer pong nights of your early twenties. You have coasters and a 401k.
Did you really have a Super Bowl party if you didn’t eat guacamole out of the end zone of a miniature football field?
The widespread freak-out over the site going dark for good is just another indication of its cultural influence. TikTok’s future – and even its present – in the United States is as murky as a sleepy ...
By James M. DorseySubstack columns like The Turbulent World are essentialreading in a world of sharply diminished coverage of international affairs bymainstream media. The Turbulent World offers ...
It was September 2023, and a certain sweatshirt wouldn’t leave me alone. It was heather gray with a grid of 12 pickle jars on ...
The explosive rise of run clubs has made fashionable clothing and community engagement a key area of focus for brands.
I also have for you a new place to buy and read books, the return of one of my favorite shows, a great book for anyone ...
A man in Rhode Island has claimed that eating Chick-fil-A salads helped him lose more than 130 pounds. Tom Carroll shared ...
As the Trump administration embarks on its quest to bring peace to Ukraine, one of the big issues waiting to be addressed is ...
In 2008, my husband, Adam, and I decided to move to Oregon after cataclysmic flooding devastated eastern Iowa. Many suffered, ...
There is no question that the Democratic Party, once the party of the working class, is now the party of the professional ...