Whenever other obligations have me out-of-town for a time, it is always a treat to return to the lighthearted fun and musical talent that always seems to continue at Houston's MUSIC BOX theater year ...
For this special bonus episode, we have an extended conversation with John Bunkley from The Atomic Fireballs. John talks about the influence of ska music and what it was like to be at the heart of ...
Transparency research has been a field in computer science for more than a decade, attempting to peer into the “black box” of neural networks—complex computing systems loosely inspired by the human ...
“Bright Star” will take the stage at the Goshen Theater, and it’s all thanks to Phoenix Performing Arts! Ashlea Harrington, executive director of Phoenix Performing Arts, and Sean ...
The Nevada Theatre Box Office was dedicated on January 18 to the loving memory of Lisa Moon, the late Artistic Director of the Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS). Gathering for this ...