Before giving birth, Deal, whose a twin herself, was shocked that she was even having twins in the first place. “I found out ...
Di-di twins are like roommates with their own room and fridge. They each have their own placenta and amniotic sac – and ...
I ask through sobs. I’m 10 weeks pregnant and have just been informed by an ultrasound tech that I’m carrying identical twins. I’m searching for an eject button, probing for an escape from ...
The family practice resident did not have time to perform an ultrasound and performed a sterile vaginal examination. Rupture of membranes occurred with clear fluid, and twin B appeared as a ...
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition in monochorionic twin pregnancies where blood flow is imbalanced between twins. It can lead to complications such as slower growth for ...
The inquiry was shown photographs of Ms Grimes, Ms Monaghan and little Maura - who won a "bonnie baby" competition during her short life, as well as ultrasound scan pictures of the unborn twin ...