Starting from the Shang Dynasty at the latest, people believed the universe was hierarchical, with gods in the heaven, humans on the earth, and the underworld being the realm of the dead.
The Underworld franchise is a strange one because ... as a strange cloaked figure with fangs stalks Paquin into the wilderness. Instead we learn that this was a werewolf yarn all along when ...
fangs, and a long red tongue. He carries chains and bells, along with a sack or basket on his back to capture naughty children. In some versions of the story, Krampus takes these children away ...
It's time to sink your fangs into something a little meatier ... David finds himself on the rise in the dystopia's criminal underworld after the death of his mother. Along the way, he becomes ...
Which is probably pretty necessary in the criminal underworld. Fourth Edition gives us more Medusa ... But now there are Medusa Archers, Medusa Shroud of Zehir—who use fangs of death in addition to a ...
Scattered across the world, there are five terrifying locations that are claimed to be entrances to the underworld. And experts now say that there could be some surprising scientific truths to ...
Wolf Man—director Leigh Whannell’s reboot of Universal Pictures’ werewolf tale starring Jennifer Garner and Christopher Abbott—is new in theaters this weekend. How are critics receiving ...
With the Year of the Snake winding its way near us, you might have noticed an effusive outpouring of the letter S in Chinese New Year advertisements. “Sssure Huat,” one proclaims, combining ...