Urban planning has a long history of promoting visionary ideas that advocate for particular futures. The most recent is the ...
Similarly, most living things produce records of their own existence in layered body tissues – often in the form of daily or ...
Donald Trump's declaration of a national energy emergency wasn't shocking. What was, though, was that his order singled out ...
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy was updated and IDALs announced a precision ag-tool to optimize nitrogen application.
According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, skunks typically mate between February and March. That’s when they ...
JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO @STARADVERTISER.COM Hotel beach chairs and umbrellas sit on Waikiki Beach, which is state property open ...
Montgomery County, Maryland, is considering a change to its grocery bag policy that would ban plastic bags and double the fee on paper bags.
The Trump administration could seek to overturn a rule that puts conservation on par with other public land uses.
DNR highlights four groomed cross-country ski trail systems, three trails for snowshoeing in Northwoods state forest.
The Senate Natural Resource Committee is weighing a bill that would create a certification program to improve salt application practices on roads, sidewalks and parking lots.
Idaho needs to have a “critical conversation” about what out-of-state boat traffic looks like, Chanel Tewalt, Idaho State ...
The state’s 2008 boating fatality rate was the lowest since the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) started keeping records in 1961. The 12 boating fatalities last year equal ...