Overview Entry requirements Structure Fees and funding What's next To excel in a clinical area, individuals must independently acquire the necessary knowledge. Without prior training or experience in ...
The course acknowledges your prior experience and knowledge as a healthcare professional and subsequently enables you to fulfil your potential as a postgraduate through the development of new ...
The wager was a celebration of everything that made Mzansi special. “No DNA, Just RSA” was the theme of the wager, celebrating the diverse cultures, traditions, and identities of South Africa.
Andy Haldane, Chief Executive of The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), has today announced he intends to retire. After 36 years without a break, Andy has ...
Fellows pay an annual charitable subscription of £208 and a one-off £75 registration fee. Being an RSA Fellow is incredibly invigorating as someone who values thoughtful, spirited debate – especially ...
Textron Aviation's electronic subsidiary Pipistrel Pipistrel announced on Friday it had completed its first hover flight of the Nuuva V300 successfully in Slovenia. The long-range, large-capacity ...