Some credit cards require you to pay for the full trip for perks. However, some cards only require paying part of it, like ...
Are you planning to travel abroad? A visa is one of the must-have documents. While some countries provide you the ...
Planning a dream vacation is exciting, but the associated costs can be daunting. Worried about how a family trip might affect your budget? An instant Personal Loan can help make your travel dreams a ...
A new study shows Canadians are prioritizing travel in 2025, with total projected vacation spending expected to reach $25.5 ...
The EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) was replaced by the GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card) in 2020, but the travelcard ...
Travel insurance policies often cover the cost of cruise cancellations, interruptions, trip delays, lost bags, medical ...
Medical emergencies overtook trip cancellations as the most common travel insurance claim, with cruises being the leading ...
Travel insurance claims and payouts are on the rise. Here's why travelers on these types of trips should consider protection.
As the couple’s tour of the Caribbean came to an end, Cameron was shocked to learn he was stuck with the nearly $50,000 ...
A recent Kayak study on travel trends found that the cost of international flights decreased by 4% since last year. While the ...
According to its Facebook page, Thompson Tours is “the oldest travel agency in Scranton, having opened its doors in 1942.” ...
Last year's big travel trend was the "justified vacation" or "justi-vacation," which is when someone takes a vacation despite ...