In the 1989 comedy, the gaudy Long Island home of Meryl Streep’s character captures everything I love about romance novels in one big, pink package. This essay is part of a collection of love ...
DAMASCUS — From a Bond villain lair in the rugged heights overlooking Damascus, the all-seeing eye of a notorious Syrian military unit gazed down on a city it bled dry. Many of the bases of the ...
Many of the bases of the elite Fourth Division formerly run by toppled president Bashar al-Assad's feared younger brother Maher now lie looted. But papers left strewn behind reveal how the man ...
From a Bond villain lair in the rugged heights overlooking Damascus, the all-seeing eye of a notorious Syrian military unit gazed down on a city it bled dry. Many of the bases of the elite Fourth ...
From a Bond villain lair in the rugged heights overlooking Damascus, the all-seeing eye of a notorious Syrian military unit gazed down on a city it bled dry. Many of the bases of the elite Fourth ...
Additional reporting by Bakr Alkasem and Maher al-Mounes. From a Bond villain lair in the rugged heights overlooking Damascus, the all-seeing eye of a notorious Syrian military unit gazed down on ...
Even the venue, which resembled a deeply chic midcentury modern fashion villain’s lair, spoke to the concept (there was a mirrored ceiling and lit-up, interlocked double-G-logo-shaped runway).