New bill COVER, lead by Alabama Democrat Shomari Figures, is designed to reach people in states which refuse to extend ...
Therapists and union reps accuse the HMO giant of saddling workers with excessive caseloads while forcing patients to wait ...
SC Gov. Henry McMaster's effort to expand Medicaid eligibility threshold for working families is step in right direction, but ...
It appears they are prepared to do so at the expense of the poor and middle class, by yanking health care coverage from ...
The Affordable Care Act can provide a safety net for artists seeking health coverage, but there can still be challenges along ...
Gov. Ned Lamont eyed Medicaid reimbursement rates, a hospital tax restructuring and pharmaceutical costs in his biennial ...
I’ve learned the lessons of depression the hard way. It’s something I experienced first in my late teens and then again in my ...
Alabama Rep. Shomari Figures (D) is co-sponsoring a bill that aims to expand health care coverage to millions of Americans ...
The key difference between Medicare and Medicaid is who they serve and how they are funded. Medicare is a federal health ...
Insurance coverage of preventive care is on the line as Braidwood Management v Becerra moves to the Supreme Court this year.
House Republicans are considering resurrecting a 2017 proposal that would raise taxes for people who buy their health ...
Many Americans with high-deductible health insurance face a cold reality at the start of every year: Those deductibles will ...