David Lynch attends 'Twin Peaks' screening at Cannes Film Festival, 2017. CREDIT: Amy T. Zielinski/Getty Images To watch a Lynch film was to enter a tangled narrative woodland with barely a ...
A new documentary comes out in late January, outlining the severe impact the invasive species had on fish populations until the late 1950s across the Great Lakes region.
Im Rahmen der "Aktion Reinhardt" errichteten die Nationalsozialisten drei Vernichtungslager im besetzten Polen, darunter das Lager Sobibor. Es diente der planmäßigen Ermordung von Juden.
David Lynch explored the contradictions of modern life, from the alienation woven into workaday existence to the terror of ...
For the Living,” a feature documentary by Boulder filmmakers will screen on Tuesday, Jan. 28th at the Denver JCC as part of ...
Im Rahmen der 'Aktion Reinhardt' errichteten die Nationalsozialisten drei Vernichtungslager im besetzten Polen, darunter das ...
The film is directed by Gene Stupnitsky and co-stars Matthew Broderick ... Amidst demanding daughters and a loving yet physically distant husband, Maciek (Wojciech Zielinski), she is frustrated with ...
The pioneering writer and director, whose haunting, surreal works include the film Mulholland Drive and the TV show Twin Peaks, has died. He was 78. The pioneering writer and director, whose ...
But the Nine Inch Nails founder didn’t have experience in Hollywood when David Lynch called and said he wanted Reznor to work ...
Lisa Zielinski has been at the helm of the entire historic run of eight state girls’ volleyball championships at St. Thomas Aquinas. As the Raiders themselves like saying, they remain the ...