Some credit cards provide roadside assistance perks. Most cards will arrange help at a set cost, but some provide coverage up ...
"Don't wait, plan early, plan ahead. A lot of the top destinations are selling out already,” said Jamie Welsh, retail store ...
Gasoline prices at stations and convenience stores in Grays Harbor County have risen sharply in the past three weeks. Prices have jumped as much as $.40 per gallon for regular unleaded (87 octane) at ...
Gas prices in Phoenix have sky-rocketed within the past month. They're up nearly 50 cents a gallon, according to AAA.
Experts say cruise control is best on long, clear highways where you can drive at a steady speed for lengthy periods.
With the coldest winds of winter howling this week, many Iowans may be dreaming of warmer climates and late season getaways.
Phoenix and Orlando were rated as top road trip destinations, but rising costs and new requirements may impact plans.