Over 22,000 people have signed an online petition to recall Maine governor Janet Mills, who has loudly opposed President ...
"'If Donald Trump stops federal funding to Maine, we the people of Maine will take out federal taxes from all paychecks and ...
The Democratic governor of Maine, Janet Mills, has not threatened to stop paying federal taxes if U.S. President Donald Trump ...
Maine Gov. Janet Mills was “being a total ass” when she defied President Trump during a heated confrontation at the White ...
The quote is fabricated: Mills made no such statement.
The town of Cumberland, Maine — about 20 miles north of Portland — has landed at the heart of the battle between President ...
Maine, joins 'America's Newsroom' to discuss her state being under Title IX investigation for allowing biological men in ...
Janet Mills, and other leaders in Maine, aren’t complying with the president’s executive order barring transgender girls and ...
A protest against Maine Gov. Janet Mills ... took the microphone at the march to speak out against their Democratic governor. Julia Deitrick, a junior at Lincoln Academy, made headlines earlier ...
"Is Maine here? The governor of Maine?" Trump said, before locating Mills seated nearby at a table in the White House State Dining Room. "Are you not going to comply with it?" Mills replied ...
Maine Governor Janet Mills," the post reads. The post was shared more than 1,400 times in three days. "We're going to follow the law, sir," Mills told the president. "We'll see you in court." ...
The State of Maine will not be intimidated by the President's threats. I have spent my career — as a District Attorney, as Attorney General, and now as Governor — standing up for the rule of ...