For Ben Steele, managing director of Streets Steele, his lightbulb moment happened when he realised the reason why he wanted ...
AccountingWEB spoke with John Holliday /(pictured left)/, a partner at Pocknells, on what an average work day looks like for ...
Every finance professional builds a financial model at some point in their career. Junior analysts may build three-statement models, while CFOs may ...
UK company sells goods to a Dutch company (ex works) but the goods are sent directly from the UK to a customer of the Dutch company in Canada.  What is ...
I have a close company which is a family trading company owned and operated by two parents and two children. The parents each own 45% and the children ...
Next year’s state pension increase is pretty much confirmed but calls to hike tax thresholds will get louder, writes Craig Rickman [1].
If a director is looking at taking a short term loan from his company could he shorten his year end to push the loan into following year providing ...