For Ben Steele, managing director of Streets Steele, his lightbulb moment happened when he realised the reason why he wanted ...
AccountingWEB spoke with John Holliday /(pictured left)/, a partner at Pocknells, on what an average work day looks like for ...
Every finance professional builds a financial model at some point in their career. Junior analysts may build three-statement models, while CFOs may ...
UK company sells goods to a Dutch company (ex works) but the goods are sent directly from the UK to a customer of the Dutch company in Canada.  What is ...
I have a close company which is a family trading company owned and operated by two parents and two children. The parents each own 45% and the children ...
Next year’s state pension increase is pretty much confirmed but calls to hike tax thresholds will get louder, writes Craig Rickman [1].
If a director is looking at taking a short term loan from his company could he shorten his year end to push the loan into following year providing ...
While the Treasury is yet to officially confirm that Making Tax Digital for income tax (MTD IT) will go ahead on its current ...
The first tier tribunal (FTT) has heard yet another case exploring the meaning and boundaries of the terms “reasonable excuse ...
Kevin McCabe was the chief executive of Scarborough Property Group Plc (Scarborough), which evolved into a multi-national ...
Given the long delay between the general election and Rachel Reeves’s inaugural Budget Speech, there has been much ...
Firmcheck [1], the comprehensive anti-money laundering (AML) software for accounting firms, announced a significant upgrade ...