Several PA Arab factions expressed their condolences on the death of the terror leader, mourning his “martyrdom.” ...
While the themes of Terror, Faith, and Hope dominate the artworks and the wall texts that accompany each image, it is the hand and heart of each individual artist that opens a deeply human dimension t ...
At least 170 rockets and explosive drones were fired by Hezbollah at northern Israel from Lebanon by 5 pm on Sunday afternoon.
In the first phase, the project will begin in northern Gaza; GDC estimates approximately 100 personnel will be required to secure one neighborhood.
Israeli police officers foiled a likely terror attack by four suspects on Sunday near Nabi Musa in the Jordan Valley. Nabi Musa is an Islamic holy site near the ancient city of Jericho, now a part of ...
Obama has been the "Chamberlain" in this 21st-century version of Great Britain's and France's appeasement of an evil and dangerous regime.
Hubby clearly was unwilling to trust her with the pills. It was predictable, as it had been twelve hours since his last calming medications had been ingested and they only last three hours.
More than 50,000 people were at the Western Wall on Sunday morning in the Old City of Jerusalem to attend the tradition Birkat HaKohanim — the Priestly Blessing — recited by the descendants of the ...
The status of the Temple Mount and the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem has become a destabilizing issue in Israel and the Middle East. The demand for the “liberation” of al-Aqsa has become the battle ...
If the person decides not to buy the item, some consider him henceforth a shomer sachar, liable also for theft, like a borrower after the time, while others consider him a shomer chinam, liable only f ...
Austin told Gallant he was relieved Prime Minister Netanyahu was safe after the attack that targeted his home in Caesarea earlier in the day.
Netanyahu’s office confirmed that he spoke to Trump over the weekend, after a Hezbollah drone attack on his home in Caesarea.