Half of Slovaks are of the opinion that it's okay to express an opinion on social media, even at the cost of hurting someone else's feelings, according to a recent survey carried out by NMS Market ...
A station for high-speed trains could be built in Stupava near Bratislava in the future, and it should serve as a facility base for trains, Transport Minister Jozef Raz (a Smer-SD nominee) stated in a ...
Slovak National Theatre (SND) general manager Zuzana Tapakova considers the statements about the chaotic and gloomy atmosphere in the theatre to be misleading and disparaging the work and approach of ...
The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) want to file a motion to the Constitutional Court to assess the conformity of the consolidation laws, especially in the area of parental pensions and the ...
By signing the consolidation package, President Peter Pellegrini has become co-responsible for the biggest price increase that people in Slovakia are facing, head of the opposition Freedom and ...
Slovakia on Friday definitively received approval for the full payment of the fourth instalment from the recovery plan, head of the National Implementation and Coordination Authority's communication ...
The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party on Friday claimed that the Foreign Affairs Ministry is preparing to lay off a number of experienced diplomats, with PS MP Tomas Valasek announcing that ...
We cannot afford to ruin one of the main symbols and greatest achievements of the EU in the form of the Schengen area by responding to the failure to protect the Union's external borders by ...
Slovakia will comment on reports about the possible participation of North Korean soldiers in the ranks of the Russian army in the war against Ukraine only when this information is confirmed, Prime ...
The premier reiterated that he supports Ukraine's EU membership. However, he thinks that its membership in NATO, which is one of the points of Zelenskyy's 'victory plan', could trigger the third world ...
President Peter Pellegrini will sign the consolidation package later on Friday, as his condition regarding a compromising solution for health workers has been met. Pellegrini made the announcement in ...
The relations between Serbia and Slovakia are exceptional and are based on a very long historical foundation, Slovak Foreign Affair Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) stated on Friday following a meeting ...