During the Boer War, Kipling composed a new set of lyrics to be sung to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" at a benefit concert for military widows and children. His version was first published as a ...
In this long, melancholy note to his fiancée, Ingres laments his intense homesickness during his first days in Rome. He had arrived the previous week to begin his residency at the Villa Medici, after ...
Christ: teaching -- Within decorated initial G, Christ, decorated crossed nimbus, standing, is flanked, at His feet, by heads of two male figures, both raising hands toward Christ. He blesses figure ...
Oswald of Northumbria: Scene, feeding Poor -- Within decorated initial D, Aidanus of Lindisfarne, decorated nimbus, wearing miter, right hand raised, and Oswald of Northumbria, decorated nimbus, ...
Personification: Planet, Mercury (Mercury in Dejection), and Zodiac Sign: Pisces -- Mercury, tonsured, holding book in each hand, falls forward off seat of lectern, from which another book is falling.