Nochmals herzlichen Dank an Amp Visual für die Unterstützung! Unsere SpendenkAmpagne für Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Kooperation mit Herbert Grönemeyer und der Musik Bewegt Stiftung (siehe unsere News hier ...
not America" und Iggy Pops "Passenger" holt Bono eine altbekannte Zuschauerin auf die Bühne und filmt sie beim Tanzen. "Screenshots" seiner Aufnahmen erscheinen in Übergröße auf der Leinwand und ...
Der Record Store Day am 12. April ist mittlerweile fester Bestandteil im Kalender der Vinyl Fans. Auch in diesem Jahr wird es aus dem Hause U2 eine Veröffentlichung geben, auch wenn nicht unter diesem ...
Producer: Ned O'Hanlon. Executive Producer: Paul McGuinness. Supervising Producer: Frank Garritano ...
In the summer of 1979 U2 played multiple concerts here in order to cleverly circumvent strict Irish licensing laws that prohibit underage youths the entry to clubs. The concerts took place on ...
Dublinkarte Nr. 11 | From the south-west corner of Temple Bar square turn left und then immediately right into Cecilia St. House number 2 is at the very end of the street on the right.
Kilmainham Goal – as seen in the 'A Celebration' video – is an old, historical prison west of the city centre. It is no longer in use, and is now accessible to the public. The building has was used ...
Berlinkarte Nr. 6 | Nearest U-Bahn Station: Frankfurter Tor (U5). As soon as exiting the U-Bahn station you can already see the distinctive towers at the end of Karl-Marx-Allee.
Anotherr location in which U2 had many pictures taken for 'The Joshua Tree album, in December 1986. Bodie takes its name from a gold digger named W.S. Bodie who in 1859, i.e. at the very hight of the ...
For the current e+i Tour offers you special t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and shopping bags: All profits will be (as in past years) 100% donated to Doctors Without Borders (via Musik Bewegt ...
U2 performed on the legendary Waldbühne (‘Forest Stage’), near the Olympic Stadium, during their Elevation Tour. The Waldbühne was fitted into a natural canyon in 1934-36 and initially served as a ...