Project RISE is Here to Help! - Nova Southeastern University
Project RISE is here to help! Our mission is to raise the quality of care in ways that improve youth's health and safety, promote academic success, and enhance their social and emotional development.
About Us | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
What is Project RISE? Project RISE is a quality improvement initiative funded by The Children’s Trust. Project RISE is designed to help Trust-funded Youth Development (YD) agencies quality of care rise to meet the health and safety, academic, and …
Training | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
All of Project RISE's courses and live trainings are available through the Trust Academy Learning Management System (LMS). Keep an eye on the Trust Academy LMS Events page to see the dates of upcoming peer learning sessions.
Program Initiatives | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
Project RISE is dedicated to helping Youth Development (YD) agencies agencies create effective and innovative programs for Miami-Dade County youth. In other words, we want programs that work.
Extra Support | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
Project RISE provides on-site coaching support to Trust-funded Youth Development providers to assist in the areas of literacy, fitness, behavior management, and youth development strategies.
Staff | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
Associate Director of Learning and DevelopmentThe staff members of Project RISE
History and Mission | Project RISE - nova.edu
Project RISE (Research, Inspiration, Support, & Evaluation) is a Trust-funded quality improvement initiative designed to enhance the quality of Trust-Funded youth development programs for school-age youths in Miami-Dade County.
Literacy Outcomes | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
Project RISE uses two quick, easy-to-use assessment tools to measure literacy outcomes: the iSTEEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) and the iSTEEP Maze. Both are standardized, curriculum-based, valid, and reliable measures that have been thoroughly researched.
Contact Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
Contact information for Project Rise, a quality improvement initiative funded by The Children’s Trust, such as, email, physical address, or by phone.
Fitness Outcomes | Project RISE - Nova Southeastern University
RISE shares the Trust's vision of using research-based measures to evaluate overall program quality as well as outcome changes in reading, fitness, and behavior management.