Coated head comparison for toms: Remo Ambassador -vs- Remo …
Aug 17, 2005 · Ten or eleven years ago I supplied a Gretsch kit for Stanton Moore to use at a master class. Remo sent me a set of heads for him. He used a Coated Ambassador over a clear Ambassador on the high tom, and Coated Emperors over clear Ambassadors on the floor toms. I really liked that combination, and I've been using it ever since.
Remo Coated Reverse Black Dot vs White Dot? Thoughts? - [DFO] …
Feb 25, 2015 · Remo doesn't list every head they offer on their website. These coated heads with white dot underneath are shipped stock with certain Gretsch snare drums and also available by special order. For heavier hitters, Remo makes a coated head with the dot on TOP too (coating over the whole thing).
Remo vs. Evans heads - [DFO] Drum Forum
Oct 4, 2012 · I agree Remo coatings for batter heads don't seem to have much of a life-span. I seldom use coated heads, prefer textured heads for snares so have limited experience. To my ears, Evans heads seem to fit a more modern sound that emphasizes attack at the expense of resonance. i would rather have the resonance, ergo i use mostly Remo heads.
Remo Ambassador -vs- Evans G1 - [DFO] Drum Forum
Aug 17, 2005 · Plus, Remo's quality control has gone downhill. I've gotten several bad ones that had weird ripples and were hard to tune. And if you're using coateds, Remo coating wears off in about 30 minutes. Evans' coating is even worse. Aquarians are the answer, whether clear or coated, and whatever kind of music you play. I have never seen a bad Aquarian ...
Coated Ambassador VS. Ambassador X | [DFO] Drum Forum
Jun 7, 2024 · I have the 12mm X's on my 1977 Rogers 5 ply kit - tuned up high for that vintage 60's and/or jazzy sound. They work
Remo Ambassador X vs Vintage Ambassador - [DFO] Drum Forum
Apr 19, 2013 · I dont really see them as being any more durable than a regular Ambassador, but they do suffer from the same problem of coating wearing off just as quickly. (Hell, I swear if you just look at a coated Remo head the wrong way, the coating starts to come off.) There is an Evans model similar to the Ambassador X, the G12, but I havent tried it yet.
REMO Snare Side Ambassador. Is There a difference? - [DFO] …
Aug 5, 2005 · I've always used hazy snare side heads. I've tried Renaissance heads and they're a little different but basically the same head. I recently acquired a brand new George Way 6.5x14 Advance model at the Chicago Show and I was getting a funky high pitch "boing" sound going and couldn't seem to...
Anyone heard anything about Remo? - [DFO] Drum Forum
Sep 14, 2020 · I called Remo and they told me sorry, no parts available. My Mastertouch kit had similar hardware issues. I think there was a thread from a few years back where someone called Remo drum hardware "pot metal." I LOVE Remo drums, those Acousticon shells are outstanding and if you haven't spent quality time with them, you're missing out.
Opinions on Remo Coated P3 tom heads | [DFO] Drum Forum
Apr 4, 2015 · The Remo equivalent is called Ambassador X. Powerstroke heads are very muted, even more so than Emperors or Pinstripes. With tom and snare sizes, the underlay ring is thinner than with bass drum heads (there the ring is the same thickness as the main film, 10 mil).
REMO MasterEdge In the House! - [DFO] Drum Forum
Mar 4, 2010 · During the late 90s Remo MasterEdge series was their top level drumset catagory and not particularly "cheap" as mentioned above. According to my 1997 Remo price sheet, the MSRP for a similar configuration to xsaber's Venwood Masteredge drums are as follows: 18x22" - $900 14x14" - $450 8x12" - $285 8x10" - $265 8x8" - $225