GRID™ - Racing Video Game from Codemasters - Electronic Arts
From the streets of San Francisco in hot hatchbacks, to an Okutama mountain route in open-wheel machines, and everything in between, GRID captures the essence of thrilling racing – and takes it one step further in 2022, with GRID Legends’ immersive virtual production story.
GRID™ - Jogo de corrida da Codemasters - Electronic Arts
Das ruas de São Francisco, dirigindo belos modelos hatches, à rota da montanha Okutama, pilotando monopostos, e muito mais, GRID™ captura a essência emocionante das corridas e as leva ainda mais longe em 2022, com a envolvente história de …
GRID™ Legends Game Overview - Electronic Arts
Take full control and design the race of your dreams in Race Creator. Pit different car classes against each other, and dictate every factor of a race to make it your own. Hypercars against big rigs, in the snow, through London, for 50 laps?
GRID™ - Codemasters 的赛车游戏 - Electronic Arts
从驾驶热辣的掀背车驶过旧金山街头,到在奥多摩町的山路上操控开轮式赛车,或是其他的任何体验,《GRID》都将捕捉激烈赛车的精髓——并通过《GRID Legends》沉浸式的虚构剧情在 2022 年让这一切更进一步。
GRID™ Legends - Codemasters - Electronic Arts
GRID Legends brings instant thrills and iconic racing moments, at the highest speeds, in the world’s most incredible cars, with action and drama everywhere you look. Each race comes ready with jaw-dropping moments and that intoxicating thrill of motorsport.
GRID™ - Jeu vidéo de course de Codemasters - Electronic Arts
Des rues de San Francisco dans des berlines surpuissantes en passant par les montagnes d’Okutama en monoplace et tout ce qui peut exister entre les deux, GRID capture le frisson de la course et va encore plus loin en 2022, avec GRID Legends et son scénario en …
GRID™ Legends Story Mode & Characters - Electronic Arts
Immerse yourself in the drama and embrace the sensation of spectacular action racing in the Driven to Glory story mode
GRID™ - Videojuego de carreras de Codemasters - Electronic Arts
La serie GRID nos ofrece un nuevo terreno para los juegos de carreras, que combina ubicaciones épicas, una impresionante variedad de coches y un modelo de conducción con el mejor manejo de su categoría.
「GRID™」- Codemastersによるレースゲーム - Electronic Arts
2008年の「race driver grid」から2022年リリース予定の「grid™レジェンド」に至るまで、本シリーズはオンラインで世界中のプレイヤーとの対戦や、革新的なaiとの戦いなどで、2つと同じレースが発生しない予測不可能なアクションを実現し、サーキットに心を ...
GRID™ — симулятор гонок от Codemasters — Electronic Arts
Будь то гонки на хэтчбеках по улицам Сан-Франциско или автомобилях с открытыми колёсами по горным склонам Окутамы — а может что-то среднее — grid удалось запечатлеть всю будоражащую кровь ...