Grid2 priority debuffs - MMO-Champion
2013-09-29, 11:37 pm #2 Deleted To have something at a higher priority, you have to use the "Copy to Debuffs" button (In the Statuses -> Debuffs -> Raid Debuffs menu) for that specific debuff you are looking for.
Grid2 resto shaman profile - MMO-Champion
Jan 18, 2017 · I´m currently healing with grid and i want to try grid2, grid2 offers more options so i´d like to switch to it. Since fine tuning takes a lot of time maybe someone could share his profile/layout for a healer. I don´t want to invent the wheel again.
Grid2 Settings for Holy/Disc Priests - MMO-Champion
May 28, 2015 · Hello everyone! For those using Grid2 as a raid frame replacement, I've provided my settings for healing on my priest.
Guide to Grid - Part 2 - MMO-Champion
Jun 17, 2011 · Welcome back! In this post, I will be finishing off what I started -- an overview to the basic Grid add-on. In the first post, Grid - Part 1, I went over all of the options you have available at your fingertips save for the ones in the "Status" menu, so that is what I will be covering today. There is a lot of good stuff in there that will further enhance your unit frames, …
Grid2 Settings for Holy/Disc Priests - MMO-Champion
Mar 31, 2018 · Hey everyone i really like Holy and Priest not long returned to wow! Has anyone got some custom Grid2 profiles i can use? i am just starting to get into grid2 but finding it difficult to have the right stuff appear?
Grid2 Heal Incoming and Health Deficit Text color help! - MMO …
Jan 10, 2017 · 2. Go to Indicators -> text-down -> Statuses - select "heals-incoming" and "health-deficit" from Available Statuses - adjust the order of the previously selected stati under Current Statuses so that "heals-incoming" is at the top 3. Go to Indicators -> text-down -> Colors - select "heals-incoming" and "health-deficit" from Available Statuses
Grid2 questions - MMO-Champion
Jul 26, 2020 · hey, couple of questions regarding grid2: 1) ideally, i would like to sort my group in this way: tank, dps, me - while also making target party1-4 keys work in this order, meaning party1 will target the tank, 2 the first dps in the group. is there any way to accomplish this in grid2, either by itself, or in conjunction with another addon? 2) trying to color the heal of someones bar if …
Grid2 help - MMO-Champion
Nov 13, 2011 · I just installed grid 2, and under my healthbar on grid2, there is a blank space about the same size of mine with just nothing, anyone know how to remove this? it's clogging up all my space.
Grid2: tracking buff cooldown and absorb shield - MMO-Champion
Aug 11, 2018 · Hello everyone, I'm setting up grid2 but I have 2 problems: How do I add the remaning time to the buff tracking? Is there a way to track absorb shield on health bar the same way elvui does? Thanks
GRID 2 Healing Resto Druid - Warmane
Jun 30, 2019 · Good call on thinking to track PW:S. Grid2 can definitely be rather unintuitive to set up. - Do /grid2 -> Click 'status' -> Click 'buff'.