International Fisheries Trade Permit
The International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP) is required for the import, export, or re-export of fishery products subject to the NOAA Fisheries trade monitoring programs.
These instructions will walk you through how to obtain an IFTP. This includes step by step instructions to: renew an IFTP permit (page 13). If you are a new NOAA Fisheries Permits website user, you will first need to create an account. If you already have an account, skip to Page 3.
NOAA :: National Marine Fisheries Service
*** NEW IFTP permits are now available. Click here for further information on how to apply for this permit ***
Importers of products covered by the NOAA Form 370 Tuna Tracking and Verification Program (TTVP) will also be required to obtain the IFTP. A single IFTP will entitle the holder to conduct trade under any of the three current NMFS trade programs: HMS ITP, AMLR, and TTVP.
eCFR :: 50 CFR 300.104 -- International Fisheries Trade Permits and ...
§ 300.104 International Fisheries Trade Permits and AMLR first receiver permits. (a) General. (1) A person may import, export, or re-export AMLR into the United States only under a NMFS-issued International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP).
Student Competitions - Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Invent for the Planet (IFTP) is an innovation fostering 48-hour global collaborative competition, in which students from 34 universities representing 20 countries simultaneously come together to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our planet - ranging from environmental affairs, energy solutions, social issues, improving developing ...
eCFR :: 50 CFR 300.322 -- International Fisheries Trade Permit.
Any person, including a resident agent for a nonresident corporation (see 19 CFR 141.18), who imports as defined in § 300.321, exports, or re-exports fish or fish products regulated under this sub-part from any ocean area, must possess a valid International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP) issued under this section. Fish or fish products ...
NOAA :: National Marine Fisheries Service
NOTE: These are instructions only for users applying for International Fisheries Trade Permit (s) (IFTP). Click the button on the right side of the page that says "Register". On the "New User Registration" page, provide your name and email address. Click on the drop down for "user type" and select "Seafood dealer or Processor"
These instructions will walk you through how to obtain an IFTP. This includes step by step instructions to: renew an IFTP permit (page 13). If you are a new NOAA Fisheries Permits website user, you will first need to create an account. If you already have an account, skip to Page 3.
SIMP Compliant Importers List - NOAA Fisheries
SIMP, a seafood traceability program for thirteen species groups that are particularly vulnerable to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing or seafood fraud, requires importers to adhere to reporting and recordkeeping requirements to import these products into the United States.