Difference between '{' and '[' when formatting JSON object
Jun 15, 2012 · Does JSON always need curly braces at the top level? Hot Network Questions Implicit differentiation - why ...
What is JSON and what is it used for? - Stack Overflow
Apr 16, 2023 · The way I like to think of JSON is exactly what it is - a language within a world of different languages. However, the difference between JSON and other languages is that "everyone" "speaks" JSON, along with their "native language." Using a real world example, let's pretend we have three people. One person speaks Igbo as their native tongue.
Can comments be used in JSON? - Stack Overflow
JSON is defined as a standard by ECMA International. There is always a petition process to have standards revised. It is unlikely that annotations will be added to the JSON standard for several reasons. JSON by design is an easily reverse-engineered (human parsed) alternative to XML. It is simplified even to the point that annotations are ...
How to use if statement inside JSON? - Stack Overflow
You can use a library jsoncode that allows you to apply logical expressions directly into JSON and get the necessary result according to the transmitted model:
How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?
Nov 29, 2016 · This is nonsense; strings in JSON can only ever be double-quoted. Try JSON.parse("'foo'") in your browser console, for example, and observe the SyntaxError: Unexpected token '. The JSON spec is really simple and clear about this. There is no escape sequence in JSON for single quotes, and a JSON string cannot be single-quoted. –
Which JSON content type do I use? - Stack Overflow
Now that plain text just happens to be valid JSON as well. Would I then be wrong to use text/plain as its mime-type? JSON is a SUB-TYPE of text. So I think both should be allowed. The question is which works better in practice. According to comment by codetoshare IE has problems with application/json. But no browser should have problems with ...
How to style a JSON block in Github Wiki? - Stack Overflow
Sep 4, 2020 · ```json Here goes your json object definition ``` Note: This won't prettify the json representation. To do so, one can previously rely on an external service such as jsbeautifier.org and paste the prettified result in the wiki.
python - How do I write JSON data to a file? - Stack Overflow
To get utf8-encoded file as opposed to ascii-encoded in the accepted answer for Python 2 use:. import io, json with io.open('data.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False))
How do I make a JSON object with multiple arrays?
Dec 30, 2016 · Correction: A JSON object starts with {and ends with }, but it's also valid to have a JSON array (on the outermost level), that starts with [and ends with ]. Also, significant syntax errors in the original JSON data have been corrected: All key names in a JSON object must be in double quotes, and all string values in a JSON object or a JSON ...
Can JSON start with - Stack Overflow
Jan 2, 2018 · A JSON text is a serialized object or array. Update (2014) As of March 2014, there is a new JSON RFC that modifies the definition slightly (see pages 4/5). The definition per RFC 4627 was: JSON-text = object / array. This has been changed in RFC 7159 to: JSON-text = ws value ws. Where ws represents whitespace and value is defined as follows: