Lime and Spreader Help - GON Forum
Apr 15, 2008 · Ag lime wont spread through my cyclone spreader, even when mixed, and any moisture will kill you trying to clean it out. pelletized is the fine lime with a binder. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them
Lime, Pelletized or powder - GON Forum
Apr 1, 2024 · I'm no expert or scientist but I can tell you from years of using pelletized lime with zero effect the ag lime is the way to go. I have been using ag lime for 3 planting seasons now. Fall, spring, fall and just took a soil sample and my pH is 6.5 in one plot and 6.1 in a very sandy plot. I never got these results with pelletized lime.
Bulk Lime and Fertilizer - GON Forum
Aug 10, 2021 · Anywhere near Madison,Ga that sells bulk lime and fertilizer. Not entirely sure how much fertilizer I’ll need yet, but trying to create 3 new food plots, 2 recently being logging decks. Probability need about 3-4 tons. If I can beat a ton of lime for …
Effective Spreading Techniques of Mixing Ag Lime and Pelletized …
Apr 26, 2010 · if you dont already have the lime check into soluable calcium takes a lot less to make your ph climb alot quicker and its pelletized and easy to spread u wont have to wait 6-9 months to see the results i put 4 bags per acre. its a little expensive but not when u think of what your replacing if your ph is really low go to 6 bags
How to spread lime?? - GON Forum
Jun 27, 2014 · 2. Pelletized lime and the same spreader you use to spread your seeds, but that is a lot more expensive. About $200/ton or $400 3. Buy 9 tons, have it delivered and spread (if you have a feed & seed place close) on your plots and have him pile up the excess lime somewhere and you just tarp it for later.
Pulverized or pellitized lime? - GON Forum
Mar 31, 2019 · I ran over it several times with some disc with the ol massey Ferguson. Put out 750 lbs of lime from tractor supply with a hand spreader, 500 lbs of fertilizer from the water authority's pelletizing plant with that same spreader, ran over everything again with the discs, ran over it with a pulverizer (no access to a culti-packer), spread 3 lbs of whitetail institute imperial clover and 3 lbs ...
Lime Spreader - GON Forum
Aug 12, 2009 · Hey all, I'm looking for any and all opinions and a little help. I've aquired several of the old pull type, 12 foot overall width, 10 foot wide box, lime spreaders in good condition. These are of the Ezee-Flow, New Holland, International, variety where they are wheel driven, with an auger type device inside, that was designed to spread bulk Ag ...
ATV Lime DROP Spreaders - GON Forum
Apr 2, 2012 · We just paid a local farmer to spread lime on our plots. He delivered and spread 3 tons for $172.00. We use a moultrie spreader mounted on a 4 wheeler to spread seed and fertilizer. Unless you just want your own lime spreader, it really doesnt cost much at all to have it delivered and spread. We were finished with all plots in about 45 min...
Chicken crap vs lime/fertilizer - GON Forum
Feb 2, 2010 · Around where i live lime goes for around $55 a ton spread. In most of the cases that i have tested the soil and had it sent of the university of gergia they recommend 2 tons to the acre. You do the math, and unless you just like to throw money out there you can afford to put lime on a field until it gets cheaper.
Question for NO Till Drill guys - How do you lime? | GON Forum
Feb 11, 2017 · You will notice a huge difference in crop performance if you can do some type of deep tillage like sub soiling or chisel plowing before starting a no till program. I always tried to chisel plow or bottom plow after spreading lime to help distribute the lime deeper into the soil profile where the majority of the crops roots grow.