Marpat for non Marines? : r/tacticalgear - Reddit
Jul 9, 2023 · Marpat woodland and coyote just looks awesome. Also yes, it is an applicable camoflauge for the area I live in. Multicam is too. I'd have to get a snowy pattern at some point for the winter months though.
what do think is better aor2 or marpat and why : r/camouflage
Nov 24, 2022 · The Marpat prototype bears a striking resembelance to what the Navy much later issued as AOR2. Before this, the US Army wanted one pattern for everywhere and tested 3 of their own designs and one from Crye (Scorpion), somehow the Army decided to use the same print screens as Marpat, but in the worst performing colour scheme ( Dugus, etc al ...
where can i get a marpat plate carrier? : r/tacticalgear - Reddit
Mar 9, 2023 · Marine marpat is a exclusive to the marines, they own the patent. The marines have to license a company for them to make one for them. If you can’t find an example of a Marine Corp issued or prototype marpat plate carrier with a …
What are the differences between aor1 and desert marpat?
The AOR series uses the original, Natick developed, colour schemes proposed for Marpat, The final Marpat colour scheme is a variant of this optimised by the USMC snipers. AOR1 has a horizontal orientation, the same as Marpat. I've seen exactly one fashion item with it used vertically. Official images of US Navy personel show it as horizontal.
why are there 2 different variants of MARPAT woodland camo?
What you probably have seen is a 3rd party manufacturer's version of marpat, which inevitably never seems to have the exact same color as issue gear. When brand new, real Marine issue marpat almost glows and the brown is a very rich color that once you've seen it is instantly identifiable whereas the copy material looks bland in comparison.
MARPAT/OCP (MULTICAM) mix and match : r/tacticalgear - Reddit
Nov 3, 2023 · There is multicam, and marpat woodland in this picture. The multicam that is all green is multicam tropic ...
Are the real MARPAT and repro MARPAT differences negligible or …
Oct 23, 2023 · Plus the repro had 4 pockets. Second, the colors. The repro has more tan showing than the MARPAT. 3rd, MARPAT has a sewed on Eagle, Globe and Anchor. Repro doesn’t. Lastly, shoulder pockets. MARPAT has pockets on the shoulder while the repro doesn’t. Another small detail is the tag. MARPAT has a USMC and EGA tag inside while the repro doesn ...
Questions about MARPAT -vs- everyone else : r/Military - Reddit
Sep 22, 2014 · For a "universal" pattern multicam is way better. As Marines we Have two versions of MARPAT, desert and woodland. That is twice the issue size of soliders. Long story short, for a "One-Size, Fits all" multicam is the best. But since MARPAT fills two different enviornments it …
Differences between AOR 1 & Desert MARPAT/Desert Digital
Aug 2, 2021 · Lighting also makes a huge deal and the picture doesn't do it justice. AOR1 has a I guess pink hue to it and can look as bright as the desert Cammie color in the picture, under direct sunlight.
I tested M81 (right) and Woodland MARPAT (left) in a temperate
Jul 24, 2020 · Unfortunately this is the only picture I took but I laid the two garments around in other places innawoods and MARPAT proved to be light years ahead of M81 in terms of effectiveness in almost every way. They both however do pretty poorly in dry yellow or bright green grass. Not the most scientific test I know, but just thought this was interesting.