Where is the Windows Run command located? - Super User
Where is Windows Run dialog box located? The Windows Run dialog box is a resource located in c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll. The dialog can be opened by running the following …
How to enable execution of PowerShell scripts? - Super User
Search for PowerShell, right-click the top-result and click the Run as administrator option. Type the following command to allow scripts to run and press Enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy …
How to get to Environment Variables from Run - Super User
I often need access to the Environment Variables on my Windows 7. What command do I need to type in the Run window to get to them? At the moment I do the following: Control Panel > …
How, from a cmd, start a new cmd instance and run a command …
Oct 12, 2017 · @BrunoBieri /c tells cmd to run the command then exit. As opposed to /k that tells cmd to run the command and remain open - basically sit at the command prompt. If you need …
How to run cmd with Admin privileges using command line
Run from shortcut file (.lnk) in the Windows XP (but not in the Windows 7) brings truncated command line down to ~260 characters. Run from shortcut file (.lnk) loads console windows …
How to run Windows 10 Settings app as administrator?
Sep 27, 2015 · Open the Start Menu, type mmc.exe in the search box, and press Enter. NOTE: In Windows 8, you could press Windows+R keys to open the Run dialog, then type mmc.exe, …
How to run an .exe application as a background task on startup
Dec 29, 2018 · Dim WShell Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WShell.Run "c:\x\myapp.exe", 0 Set WShell = Nothing safe this snippet, for example in 'run.vbs' now run …
Force a program to run *without* administrator privileges or UAC?
Aug 4, 2010 · If you have a particular application that you want to always run without UAC, you can target it with the Registry (add the text to a REG file and import it into the Registry): …
Batch file with commands to run as administrator and standard user
Jan 23, 2014 · Most importantly, download LOGBATCH.BAT, and run it as such: LOGBATCH.BAT yourbatch.bat any_parameters_your_batch_needs and it will create a log file …
How to run an .exe from linux command prompt - Super User
Then you can run it using wine abc/info.exe. If you want to run it like a Linux program, you need to install wine-binfmt. Then you can run it the same way as described above for Linux …