Video Editor | YuJa Enterprise Video Platform - YuJa Official …
The YuJa Video Editor is a comprehensive tool designed for editing video content within the YuJa Video Platform. It supports a range of features including trimming, cropping, adding transitions, captions, and annotations.
Downloading and Using the YuJa Video App
The YuJa Video app for iOS and Android allows you to easily access content within your Video Platform instance through organized folders and course channels. You can download the YuJa Video app for iOS and Android to view content on your mobile device or tablet.
YuJa | Cloud Platforms and Applications
YuJa is a leader in cloud applications and platforms designed for regulated sector clients. Our software platforms provide organizations of all sizes with the tools to help engage, inspire and collaborate.
Downloading the Software Capture Application - YuJa Help Center
Downloads of the Software Capture for PC and Software Capture for Apple applications are available through My Account. You can ask questions related to the video or select from the predefined list of options. Get a direct link that starts playing at the current time shown. Create a video segment that starts and ends at the specified time.
YuJa Help Center
The YuJa Video Platform provides tools to create and manage video content. YuJa Lecture Capture provides recording and live streaming tools for podium machines and laptops. YuJa Panorama uses WCAG 2.2 aligned criteria to improve the accessibility of digital content. YuJa Verity provides tools to secure the integrity of exams.
YuJa Video Platform
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Software Lecture Capture and Personal Recording - YuJa Official Home Page
Capture multiple video, audio and screen sources with a powerful desktop software applications for PC and Apple. Tools to pre-record lectures and then use class time for hands-on learning. Replay classroom lectures, campus videos and external media content. Capture lectures and micro-lessons to publish to the course LMS.
YuJa - YouTube
YuJa is a leader in cloud platforms and applications for regulated sector clients including higher-ed, K12, healthcare, and government. We enable enterprises to create engaging digital media...
YuJa - Angelo State University
YuJa is a video platform for lecture capture and screen recording that aims to improve student engagement, creativity, collaboration, and learning results. YuJa allows you to make recordings of your instruction and organize any video assets that you use in your courses.
Welcome to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform - YuJa Official …
Please sign in to your account. Did not receive your code? Enter your user ID or email, and we will send you a link to reset your password. Enter your current password and the new one you …