linux - How does "cat << EOF" work in bash? - Stack Overflow
The cat <<EOF syntax is very useful when working with multi-line text in Bash, eg. when assigning multi-line string to a shell variable, file or a pipe. Examples of cat <<EOF syntax usage in Bash: 1. Assign multi-line string to a shell variable $ sql=$(cat <<EOF SELECT foo, bar FROM db WHERE foo='baz' EOF )
Is there replacement for cat on Windows - Stack Overflow
Windows type command works similarly to UNIX cat. Example 1: type file1 file2 > file3 is equivalent of: cat file1 file2 > file3 Example 2: type *.vcf > all_in_one.vcf This command will merge all the vcards into one.
linux - How can I copy the output of a command directly into my ...
Feb 27, 2011 · cat file | xclip. Paste the text you just copied into a X application: xclip -o. To paste somewhere else other than an X application, such as a text area of a web page in a browser window, use: cat file | xclip -selection clipboard Consider creating an …
LINUX Shell commands cat and grep - Stack Overflow
Jun 6, 2013 · cat countryInfo.txt reads the file countryInfo.txt and streams its content to standard output. | connects the output of the left command with the input of the right command (so the right command can read what the left command prints). grep -v "^#" returns all lines that do not (-v) match the regex ^# (which means: line starts with #).
Convert categorical data in pandas dataframe - Stack Overflow
Aug 14, 2015 · First, to convert a Categorical column to its numerical codes, you can do this easier with: dataframe['c'].cat.codes. Further, it is possible to select automatically all columns with a certain dtype in a dataframe using select_dtypes. This way, you can apply above operation on multiple and automatically selected columns.
How to get .pem file from .key and .crt files? - Stack Overflow
cat otherfilegodaddygivesyou.crt gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt > name.crt Then I used these instructions from Trouble with Google Apps Custom Domain SSL , which were: openssl rsa -in privateKey.key -text > private.pem openssl x509 -inform PEM -in www_mydomain_com.crt > public.pem
Facebook Image URL gets expired - Stack Overflow
May 27, 2015 · I am pulling Facebook posts using facebook-graph API, now the problem is Image gets expired after few days. I have the following URL for a single Image Old Image URL which got expired https://
How does an SSL certificate chain bundle work? - Stack Overflow
Unix: cat cert2.pem cert1.pem root.pem > cert2-chain.pem Windows: copy /A cert1.pem+cert1.pem+root.pem cert2-chain.pem /A 2.2 Run this command. openssl verify -CAfile cert2-chain.pem cert3.pem 2.3 If this is OK, proceed to the next one (cert4.pem in this case) Thus for the first round through the commands would be
bash - What does " 2>&1 " mean? - Stack Overflow
@dbr cmd 2>&1 >>file does not redirect stderr to the file, but cmd >> file 2>&1 does. Order matters. In the first case, stderr is redirected to the stdout of the shell (possibly a tty if the command is entered interactively), and then stdout is directed to the file.
How to get the CUDA version? - Stack Overflow
Mar 16, 2012 · As Jared mentions in a comment, from the command line: nvcc --version (or /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc --version) gives the CUDA compiler version (which matches the toolkit version).