AI Tools for Business | Google Workspace
Gemini for Google Workspace helps us save time on repetitive tasks, frees up developers for higher-value work, reduces our agency spending, and enhances employee retention. Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO Uber
Announcing Gemini for Google Workspace | Google Workspace Blog
Feb 21, 2024 · Starting today, Duet AI for Google Workspace will now be Gemini for Google Workspace, giving customers access to Google’s most capable AI models. As part of this update, Gemini will be built into the Workspace apps that millions of customers use every day.
Gemini at Work - AI Resources and Prompts for Business - Google …
Gemini is the AI-powered assistant from Google, built right into Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and more, with enterprise-grade security and privacy. Discover how you can focus on what you do best by collaborating with Gemini.
Google Workspace extends Gemini benefits to millions of customers
Sep 24, 2024 · Driven by our belief that generative AI can be transformative for every employee, today, we’re announcing that the standalone Gemini app (gemini.google.com) is now included as part of Workspace Business, Enterprise, and Frontline plans.
ビジネス向け AI ツール | Google Workspace
Gemini for Google Workspace は生活の一部になりつつあります。 個人的に Google ドキュメントで Gemini を活用し、オブザーバビリティとモニタリングのツールの概要を 1 ページにまとめました。
Outils d'IA pour les entreprises | Google Workspace
Gemini pour Google Workspace nous permet d'économiser du temps sur les tâches répétitives pour que les développeurs puissent se concentrer sur les tâches à forte valeur ajoutée, tout en réduisant les dépenses de notre agence et en améliorant la rétention des employés.
Google AI for HR Teams with Gemini for Workspace
Use Gemini for Workspace to create onboarding checklists to get new hires up-to-speed quickly. Use Gemini in Sheets to create a first draft of training tasks, then refine the list accordingly.
Gemini for Google Workspace now supports additional languages
Nov 20, 2024 · This expansion makes Gemini for Workspace increasingly accessible to over 1 billion people whose first language is now supported. Starting this week, the following new languages will be supported by Gemini in the side panel of Google Docs, Sheets, Drive, and Gmail: German. Italian. Japanese. Korean. Portuguese. Spanish. French
Herramientas de IA para empresas | Google Workspace
Gemini para Google Workspace nos ayuda a ganar tiempo en las tareas repetitivas, liberar de carga a los desarrolladores para que puedan centrarse en tareas de más valor, reducir el gasto en agencias y mejorar la retención de los empleados.
KI-Tools für Unternehmen | Google Workspace
Mit Gemini für Google Workspace lassen sich Besprechungen schnell in Google Docs transkribieren und kurz und bündig zusammenfassen. Das Dokument können wir dann mit den Nutzerinnen und Nutzern teilen.