shares in a listed company, you must exchange the title or legal ownership of those financial products for money. This exchange is called settlement. For financial products traded on the Australian Securities Exchange, settlement is effected by a world-class computer system called CHESS, which stands for the Clearing House Electronic
In person: in the ASX Auditorium, Lower Ground Floor, Exchange Square, 18 Bridge Street Sydney, NSW. Further information on how you can participate in the AGM (including how to register, vote and ask questions) is set out on the following pages
Exchange-traded Treasury Bond must provide a copy of this Term Sheet and the current version of the Investor Information Statement for Exchange-traded Treasury Bonds to the client. ISSUER Commonwealth of Australia
Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), which include Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), offer investors a convenient and cost-effective way to get exposure to a range of asset classes and investment strategies.
Exchange Square 20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA Our customer service staff are responsible for taking, recording and reporting all complaints; however, analysis and resolution of a complaint is likely to require the involvement of other ASX teams.
Securities Exchange (ASX) and interpret and implement the listing rules. Governance Institute members are of the view that there are no challenges attached to the small reduction in the number of ASX Settlement Non-Business Days.