bcpa.net - Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser
Please use our Tax Estimator to approximate your new property taxes based on the reassessed value. The Property Appraiser does not send tax bills and does not set or collect taxes. All property tax billing and collection is handled by the Broward County Tax Collector's Office.
Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
Source: Broward County Property Appraiser's Office - Contact our office at 954.357.6830. Hours: We are open weekdays from 8 am until 5 pm. Legal Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.
Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
property search | senior citizens | homestead & other exemptions | home buyer's tax estimator | portability estimator | search:
Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
Online Property Records Search - Research properties. Our Office Locations & Hours : Mobile Exemption Education Team Calendar - Events in your community! Homestead & Other Tax-Saving Exemptions : Senior's Additional Homestead Exemption : Long-Term Residency Senior Exemption "Save Our Homes" Amendment (Florida Constitution)
BCPA Web Map
The BCPA interactive map application, version 121. 2015 All Right Reserved Broward County Property Appraiser.
Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
Most title companies do not search the public records for unpaid tangible personal property taxes. You must report the property at your cost rather than your seller's cost.
Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
You are entitled to a Homestead Exemption if, as of January 1st, you have made the property your permanent home or the permanent home of a person who is legally or naturally dependent on you. By law, January 1 of each year is the date on which permanent residence is determined.
Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser - bcpa.net
You may search property records by owner last name, address, legal subdivision name, or property ID number. Back to Top: OWNERSHIP LISTING - Why does it say "ETAL" after my name on the ownership records?
Broward County Property Appraiser's Network - bcpa.net
Property Appraiser County Comm. District County Comm. Name US House Rep. District
Home page - OwnerAlert - bcpa.net
Owner Alert is a free service designed to help you protect your property from scams or fraud by notifying you if a document is received by BCPA changing the ownership of your property. If you are already registered for Owner Alert,