ደብረ ታቦር - Debere Tabor New Ethiopian Orthodox ... - YouTube
ደብረ ታቦር - Debre Tabor New Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo temherte 2022New Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Sibket 2022 ማህበረ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ዘ ጎላ - ደብረ ታቦር ...
Ethiopia :- በበዓለ ደብረ ታቦር (ቡሄ) | ጅራፍ | ሙልሙል ዳቦ | ችቦ ለምን አስፈለገ ? | debre ...
#ethiopian_orthodox_sibket #ደብረ_ታቦር #ዮናስ_ቲዩብ_yonas_tubeEthiopia :- በበዓለ ደብረ ታቦር (ቡሄ) | ጅራፍ | ሙልሙል ዳቦ ...
Ethiopia :- የደብረ ታቦር (ቡሄ) መዝሙር | የሚገርም አከባበር | ye debre tabor …
#ethiopian_orthodox_sibket #ደብረ_ታቦር #ዮናስ_ቲዩብ_yonas_tubeEthiopia :- የደብረ ታቦር (ቡሄ) መዝሙር | የሚገርም አከባበር | ye debre tabor mezmur ...
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The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
ወረብ ዘተክሌ ዘደብረ ታቦር በመምህር ኤፍሬም. 1 መስከረም : አመ ፩ ለመስከረም ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ
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In the Ethiopian Orthodox Church the Feast of the Transfiguration falls during Dormition fast (Filseta) and is celebrated on 19 August. It is numbered among our Lord’s nine Major Feasts. Traditionally, the celebration begins on the eve of the Feast, with groups of children going from house to house.
አባ ገብረ ኪዳን - ኦሪት ተሽሯል? - ለመናፍቃን መልስ ሰጡ - እጅግ አስደናቂ ስብከት - Aba Gebrekidan sibket - Ortho Tewahedo.
Ethiopia :- በበዓለ ደብረ ታቦር የሚፈፀሙ ሥርዓቶች | debre tabor | ችቦ
#ethiopian_orthodox_sibket #ደብረ_ታቦር #ዮናስ_ሚዲያ_yonas_mediaEthiopia :- በበዓለ ደብረ ታቦር የሚፈፀሙ ሥርዓቶች | debre tabor | ችቦ | ጅራፍ ...
The Feast of the Transfiguration (ደብረ ታቦር) - eotc-ma.com
Aug 8, 2022 · Every year on Nehase 13 (August 19) Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and saviour Eyesus Kirstos Mount of Tabor (Debre Tabor). Our Lord revealed the mystery of Mount Tabor when He was with his three disciples Peter, James, and John.