Team convenes to review incident and relevant data (prior behavior data, incident reports, etc.) . All staff involved in the restraint/seclusion (including witnesses) should attend the review …
Jan 13, 2015 · Document the reason for restraint and that you explained the reason to the patient and family. You can use a flowsheet to document assessments. The flowsheet should include …
Document the rea - son for restraint and that you ex - plained the reason to the patient and family. You can use a flowsheet to doc - ument assessments. The flowsheet should include the …
Behavior that Prompted Use of Restraint/Seclusion: (Describe Consumer behavior and what the Consumer was doing) Other Interventions Tried by Staff Prior to Restraining/Secluding …
A physical restraint is any manual method or physical or mechanical device, material or equipment attached or adjacent to the resident’s body that the resident cannot remove easily …
Seclusion and Restraint Documentation Form Author: Michigan Department of Education Last updated: 8/28/17 The use of seclusion and restraint is statutorily prohibited in Michigan’s …
Behavior that Prompted Use of Restraint: (Describe what the resident was doing that was dangerous to self or others.) Threat of imminent, serious, physical harm to self.
Complete and sign the attached restraint documentation form; File a copy of the form in the residents medical record; Forward a copy of the form to the Department and notify parent …
Restraint Use Documentation and Parent Notification Restraint* is the use of force to significantly restrict the free movement of all or a portion of a student’s body. Student Name:
What may be done differently in future to reduce the likelihood of problem behavior and need for seclusion and/or restraint? Next Steps/Action Plan: (e.g. conduct FBA, create/revise BIP …