The Russian Tortoise Care Sheet
This site is dedicated to providing exchange of ideas and information to create a better understanding of the care and breeding of the Russian Tortoise. (Testudo horsfieldii, horsfield, Agrionemys, Steppe)
Russian Tortoise Care Sheet - ReptiFiles®
Welcome to the ReptiFiles Russian Tortoise Care Sheet! This care sheet was written by a professional reptile husbandry specialist, compiled based on reputable sources such as scientific research papers, natural history data, and the experiences of longtime keepers and breeders of …
Russian tortoises are 5-10" long terrestrial reptiles with a somewhat flattened, oval shell, enlarged scales on the tail and thighs, four toes on each forefoot, and a clawlike spur on the end of the tail.
Many Russian tortoises derive from extremely arid habitats while others are found in more temperate locations. Regardless of their origin, they all need to stay hydrated. A shallow water dish should be available to them at all times for drinking and soaking and should be changed frequently. Tortoises
Russian tortoises require a high-fiber, low-protein, low-sugar diet for best health. This means that their diet should be primarily comprised of leafy greens, grasses, and edible “weeds”. We recommend a varied diet!
CARE SHEET: RUSSIAN TORTOISE Find us at: www.wildsidevet.com Dr. Veronica Pardini, DVM, CertAqVet Environment: - If the animal is kept inside the house in an enclosure: - Temperature: We need two thermometers - one on the basking spot …
Russian tortoises enjoy berries, melon, carrot, sweet potato, tomato, and squash. These tasty treats can be finely chopped with dark, leafy greens to entice picky eaters. Use ceramic heat emitter bulbs (they emit heat but no light) and keep on 24/7 to …
The Russian Tortoise Care Sheet
Russian Tortoises are grazers and enjoy broad leaf plants. The best diet is a variety of weeds (leaves and flowers). Dandelion is a favorite. Water Unfortunately, many believe that tortoises naturally acquire almost all of their fluid requirements from its food and that therefore they do not require additional drinking water.
Russian tortoises (Testudo [Agrionemys] horsfieldiî) naturally occur from eastern Iran and east through central Asia to parts of China and Russia. Russian tortoises are also commonly known as Horsfield's, four-toed,
Russian tortoises are one of the most readily available tortoise species. They stay small when full grown, approximately 7”-9” as adults, making them easy to care for with limited space.