May 15, 2024 · How to Quit Smoking web page: Information and tips about quitting, including support resources such as quitlines, text message services, and apps. Quit Smoking …
Think about quitting in five steps: 1. Set a quit day. Choose a date within the next seven days when you will quit smoking or vaping. Tell your family members and friends who are most …
The first step to quitting smoking, vaping and using tobacco is to understand the risks and health effects for you and your family. You’re more likely to quit tobacco for good if you prepare by …
If your patient is ready to make a quit attempt, assist with counseling, medications (if appropriate), and resources for support. Provide and document brief tobacco cessation counseling.
Quitting smoking is one of the single best things you can do for your health. When you’re ready to quit, follow these steps: 1. Set a date. Pick a date within the next two weeks to quit smoking. …
This guide contains information and resources to help you quit smoking for good. You may have tried before, or this may be your first time, but following the methods outlined here can help …
AA combination of nicotine replacement therapy (e.g., gum, patch, lozenge, nasal spray, oral inhaler) or other FDA-approved smoking cessation medications and counseling is the most …
Feel ready to quit? • First and foremost, set a quit date and quit completely on that day. Before your quit date, you may begin reducing your cigarette use. But remember, there is no safe …
trying to quit. Many people find they smoke when they drink or vice versa. Limit contact with other smokers. Encourage family members and friends who smoke to quit with you! Consider …
As a smoking cessation counselor, you have permission to photocopy these handouts as needed for use with your patients. Your kit’s contents include: What Does Smoking Do For You? …