Post-Op Protocol for Lateral Epicondyle Debridement The intent of this protocol is to provide the clinician with a guideline of the post-operative rehabilitation course of a patient that has …
Once patient can perform 30 reps without pain they can progress to a 1-pound weight or light resistance band. Patient is allowed to return to athletics once their grip strength is normal.
Initial focus should be on regaining terminal elbow extension. Gradually increase A/PROM exercises. Goal to have full ROM by 4-6 weeks post-op. Begin Shoulder isometrics (scapula, …
The patient should aim to regain full movements by 14-21 days after surgery. Activities against light resistance or with light loads (ie upto 1 lb) may be performed after 3 weeks, if tolerated, …
Considerations: Continue to wear tennis elbow brace for up to 6 months when returning to sports and impact activities. May expect best results after procedure & rehabilitation at about 1 year. …
Actively bend and straighten elbow through the fullest possible range. Begin tennis elbow exercise protocol but start with only 5 repetitions and slowly progress as able. The tennis elbow …
Second Post-op Visit: (5 to 6 weeks) The patient should have full range of motion at this phase. Patients are referred to physical therapy for initiation of progressive strengthening program. …
Gentle shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand range of motion exercises can be performed beginning on the first post-operative day Formal physical therapy (PT) will begin about 10-14 days post …
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Post-Operative Rehabilitation Protocol Illinois Bone & Joint Institute The intent of this protocol is to provide the clinician with a guideline for the …
10-14 Days Post Op (at therapy): Therapist will remove dressing, sutures, and initial splint. Expect a new removable long arm brace to wear between exercise sessions and at night until 4-6 …