Welcome to Unit 5: Transportation, Pre-K for All’s fifth Interdisciplinary Unit of Study. In this unit, children move from inquiring and thinking critically about the places where animals and people …
UOI: Transport Documentation of the IB/PYP Inquiry Cycle with my 3 year old class of 2014/15 on different modes of transport. Central Idea: Transportation help people get where they need to go.
Students inquire into, and learn about, globally significant issues in the context of units of inquiry, each of which addresses a central idea relevant to a particular transdisciplinary theme. Lines …
To help you plan these units better and make deeper connections the following detailed idea banks come complete with resources, best practices and strategies. Use these idea banks to …
Taking into account the urgency of the trip, the boy considers the option of a taxi, the waiting time for which, according to the mobile application, is dt minutes, and the ride takes tt minutes. …
UOI - Transportation systems We have started a new Unit of Inquiry inquiring into transportation systems. We are learning about different types of transportation systems in our community …
Oct 9, 2024 · We will inquire into: features of transportation systems, the decisions involved in using transportation, how transportation makes it possible to meet human needs and how to …
Teachers, save “UOI: Sorting Types of Transportation” to assign it to your class. OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will be able to sort the different types of transportation in their right category (air, …
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on...
Emirates International School, Jumeirah - Program of Inquiry UoI 1 UoI 2 UoI 3 UoI 4 UoI 5 UoI 6 YR 5 YR 5 Trans Theme Trans Theme Trans Theme Trans Theme Trans Theme Trans Theme