What do you wear to a wake?? - LIFamalies
Jun 20, 2006 · Being Jewish-- I don't go to many wakes. What do you wear?Thanks...
Appropriate attire for a wake? - lifamilies.com
Sep 2, 2009 · Just wondering cause i have a wake tonight, do all men wear full suits to a wake?Its been a while, and I am drawing a blank.
Swelling / water retention only on one side? - lifamilies.com
May 15, 2009 · For me, it's my left side that swells. My left foot/ankle is always HUGE and I can no longer wear my engagement or wedding rings. I wake up in the morning and it's fine, but by 10 am, it's unsightly! Posted 5/15/09 8:13 AM
Some people wake up to the sound of roosters...
Aug 16, 2006 · ...but I wake up to the sound of my landlord making tomato sauce outside the window. They have bushels of tomatoes in the backyard and they are squashing them. Everytime this family cooks its pure torture for me. I should reallly get out there and watch the process.
I have such a hard time getting up in the morning - LIFamalies
Jun 7, 2006 · I have the same issue....I'm lucky enough that the baby goes back to sleep till 8-9am (or later). I SHOULD wake up after her 6/6:30am feeding so I can get stuff done around the house. I'd try setting the alarm WAY earlier....like 30+ minutes, that way you can snooze it, and feel like you're "sleeping in".
Anybody else wake up in the morning with your hands totally …
Feb 12, 2006 · Especially your fingers?
What is the etiquette about bringing a baby to a wake/funeral?
Jan 21, 2008 · Quick navigation: ...
What time do you go to bed and what time do you wake up in the …
Mar 15, 2006 · Just curious. I really think old age is getting to me, I recently started to go to bed before 10PM and I wake up at 5:30am. I feel so old!
Did you wake your newborn in the middle of the night to eat?
Dec 5, 2005 · She is 6 days old and we have been waking her every 3 hours to eat- is this dumb?
Is my 2-month-old the only one who still wakes every 2 hours to …
Nov 13, 2007 · From eveyrone's posts it seems that the most everyone's 2 month old wakes is once during the night for a feeding.My DS goes to be around 8:30, will go 3 hours if I am lucky then wants to eat, then proceeds to wake every 2-3 hours throughout the night. Can I change this? Is it because he is BF?