Acne: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take - National Institute …
Some people who have severe acne or acne scarring that does not respond to topical or oral medications may need additional treatments, such as: Laser and other light therapies. However, researchers are still studying the best types of light and the amount needed to treat acne. Injecting corticosteroids directly into affected areas of your skin.
Acne Basics: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take
Living with acne. If you have acne, the following may help you take care of your skin. Clean your skin gently. Use a mild cleanser in the morning, in the evening, and after heavy exercise. Try to avoid using strong soaps, astringents, or rough scrub pads. Rinse your skin with warm water. Shampoo your hair regularly. Avoid rubbing and touching ...
What is Acne? Definition & Types | NIAMS - National Institute of ...
People of all ages can get acne, but it is more common in teens. The following do not cause acne, but may make it worse. Diet. Some studies show that eating certain foods may make acne worse. Researchers are continuing to study the role of diet as a cause of acne. Stress. Pressure from sports helmets, tight clothes, or backpacks.
什麼是青春痘 (Acne) | NIAMS
Jun 26, 2024 · 什麼是痤瘡? 痤瘡是常見的皮膚狀況,是由皮膚下面的毛囊堵塞造成的。油脂和死亡的皮膚細胞堵住毛孔,可爆發皮膚病灶 ...
Rosacea: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take
Symptoms of rosacea differ among people, so doctors tailor treatments to each person. A combination of self-care measures and medications is typical. Most people respond well to therapy, but improvement is usually gradual and it can take 3 months or longer to see results.
Rosacea Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | NIAMS
Areas of facial redness can develop red or pus-filled bumps and pimples that resemble acne. Visible blood vessels. These typically appear as thin red lines on the cheeks and nose. Skin thickening. The skin may thicken, especially on the nose, giving the nose an enlarged and bulbous (bulb-like) appearance.
Acne: Research & Resources - National Institute of Arthritis and ...
The genetic and biologic underpinnings of acne. Optimal treatment options, including new medications and the use of laser and other light therapies. Understanding of the inflammatory process in the skin. The relationship between the skin microbiome and acne. How the gut flora may play a role in acne.
Rosacea Basics: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take
Rosacea is a long-term disease that causes reddened skin & pimples, usually on the face. Find out about the symptoms & how to live with Rosacea.
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS): Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to …
Hidradenitis suppurativa or Acne inversa is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by pimple-like bumps. Learn all about this skin disease. Hidradenitis suppurativa (also known as acne inversa) is a chronic, noncontagious, inflammatory condition characterized by pimple-like bumps or boils and tunnels or tracts on and under the skin.
Ichthyosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps to Take
There is currently no cure for ichthyosis. The goals of treatment include reducing the redness of the skin, thickness of the scales, and itching. Treatments can include: Hydrating the skin with creams, lotions, or ointments to help trap moisture in the skin and relieve dryness and scaling.