[SOLVED] Cannot mount CUE images in DOSbox 0.74
Aug 9, 2012 · File permissions are alright. It seems that Citramonum is correct. In order to mount *.cue files, DOSbox requires SDL_sound. By default, this isn't configured in dosbox.SlackBuild or even mentioned anywhere. I'll rebuild DOSbox again, I guess. *sigh*
[SOLVED] dosbox "cut and paste" How? - LinuxQuestions.org
I am using Dosbox primarily to run a database that I have used for nearly twenty years. Biggest problem is not being able to cut and paste between my database and Linux programs. The same program in a 'dos box' under windows (even windows as a …
[SOLVED] How to UN mount a DOSbox drive - LinuxQuestions.org
Jan 23, 2017 · I overlooked the -u option. I am using DOSbox for exactly ONE old FoxPro for DOS application which I wrote back in the early 1980's. I have been running it in dosemu on CentOS 6 since 2010. dosemu does not seem to work on CentOS 7 so I moved to DOSbox. I have my application running automatically from the DOSbox config file - [autoexec] section.
Mouse Movement Problem in DOSbox - LinuxQuestions.org
Jun 14, 2009 · I'm running dosbox .63 in Suse 9.3 and when I move the mouse is a DOS game (I've tried two different ones) the pointer moves down and to the right Mouse Movement Problem in DOSbox Download your favorite Linux distribution at LQ ISO .
DBGL + DosBox with 3Dfx - Official Pyra and Pandora Site
Aug 15, 2012 · Here is DBGL, a DosBox launcher in java, plus latest version of Dosbox with 3Dfx hardware wraper The DosBOX version is quite fast, and Dos4GW software are somewhat useable on the Pandora. 3Dfx hardware emulation is included, and is using OpenGlide (+gl4es). The required Glide2x.ovl will be...
Dosbox - trapped focus in dosbox window. - LinuxQuestions.org
Nov 11, 2007 · Dosbox - trapped focus in dosbox window. I'm using Dosbox a lot under linux now - but I have one small niggle with it. I cannot alt tab out from the dosbox window to another window after running a dos game like, say BI2 or doom. ie, alt-tab doesn't do anything - I need to close the game and exit dos box before alt tab works again.
Repository of DOSBOX classic games? - AtariAge Forums
Sep 19, 2016 · DosBox included, and all games are setup to run with a really nice interface. Box and media scans when ...
Dosbox - dynrec update | Official Pyra and Pandora Site
Nov 30, 2007 · Using my neon scalers in dosbox is not really possible, because dosbox doesn't scale the whole screen every frame. As far as I know, the screen is divided into small tiles and only the tiles that were changed are scaled. I used -mfpu=vfpv3, because dosbox uses doubles for fpu registers (in dynrec).
Running DeskMate3 on DosBox. - Tandy Computers - AtariAge …
Jan 11, 2024 · Hi i have a few questions.. 1.) Im trying to use the spreadsheet and when I go to save the file it says "out of disk space". 2.) When I go into Calendar it says Invalid Drive. 2a.) Also when i open the PDM file it says " Calendar File name must be "Personal.cal" . then the program opens up but ca...
D-Pad And Buttons Not Working In Dosbox
Aug 20, 2010 · When I use DOXBox, the d-pad and buttons are not mapped correctly. The left arrow key is recognized as ALT. Other d-pad directions are not recognized as far as I can tell. The A button is mapped as NumLK, Y is recognized but I can not tell as what. Other directional buttons are not...