Cuban Government Jamming 40 meter US HAM BAND - QRZ …
Jul 14, 2021 · The thing is, a 500kw broadcast transmitter has far fewer options to evade jamming than a group of hams. We have a broader range of freqs and of course radios with Big Knobs. Also we can pop on the air at any time day or night. At my QTH 40m is blocked by solar panel QRM or else I'd listen in.
Activating 40M USA Novice CW Subband - QRZ Forums
Apr 26, 2004 · As of this past Thursday, I now have a Kent TP-1 paddle and yesterday, I put a MicroVert up in the attic set for the 40M Novice band. The last time I had a CW QSO, I was using a Radio Shack straight key (plastic base nailed to a 2x4). If you don't mind my sloppy sending with them fancy paddles and not a prosign to be had, I'm in!!
First afternoon in the expanded 7.100 to 7.200 MHz 40 metre band.
Mar 29, 2009 · The result of the changes on 7 MHz is an expanded 40m band for hams in most countries that only had 7.000 to 7.100 MHz. You will see a list of countries posted earlier by Alan WB9JTK of some countries who will continue to allow land base (fixed) and mobile two way (commercial and government) radio communications on a primary basis from 7.100 to ...
How to Calculate Multiple Banded End Fed Half Wave (EFHW)
Feb 23, 2023 · There are engineering tricks to align the harmonic resonances on multiple bands but that isn't the only way to create a multi-band antenna that doesn't need a tuner. You could lengthen/shorten the far end of the EFHW as needed--no tuner required! You may be able to just fold back the wire to shorten it and have an acceptable SWR.
G0KSC design 40m rotating dipole to take the market by storm
Feb 7, 2016 · G0KSC design 40m rotating dipole to take the market by storm G0KSC has again broken from tradition and introduced a new design, this time a 40m rotating dipole. The Delta C-140 is under 12m wide and despite being small has an extremely high radiating efficiency which is reflected in the antennas SWR bandwidth, the whole 40m band in under 1.5:1 ...
How to cut and tune EFHW antenna for 10 - 40 - QRZ Forums
Jul 13, 2023 · Good luck with your build and effort to experiment and share your results. I have built the exact antenna, and had many problems with the spliced ends coming apart from over stretching, wind etc. Sure it is resonate once you get it slung up, but SWR will go way up if it comes apart and you transmit on a different length of antenna than you intended to you.
Ham Radio - The Doublet. An old but good multi-band single …
Dec 9, 2019 · 80m Dipole fed with openwire and used on 40m (impedance is about 60 Ohms on 80m, but *2000+ Ohms on 40m). This is the wrong place to use a 4:1 or 6:1 balun and will result in severely degraded rejection of the common mode current.
Cuban Government Jamming 40 meter US HAM BAND
Jul 15, 2021 · Also observed what seems like jamming on 40m here in TX. Same sound and banding. I'll upload my short video to YT later today. That said, I was able to exchange contact info with a couple of Cuba stations via FT8 on another band.
Cuban Government Jamming 40 meter US HAM BAND - QRZ …
Jul 14, 2021 · I'm picking up the jamming here in Minnesota S5-S8 on 7120khz and other frequencies across the bottom of 40M, spaced at 10 khz. I've recorded them in .wav format so I can archive for future publication.
The 60m Band (in the U.S.): When and How to Use It
Apr 18, 2022 · Amateur access to the 60m band isn't like others. Being between 80-75m and 40m, it's a great option for NVIS when neither of those quite gets the job done. As amateurs have a secondary allocation to these government channels that allow for interoperability between services, it's a unique allocation.