android - adb uninstall failed - Stack Overflow
adb root adb shell pm list packages pm uninstall com.android.chrome In my case, i have a phone that is in permanent 'Safe mode' so only apps under /system/app/ have a chance of running. …
How to start an application using Android ADB tools
Dec 31, 2010 · Step 1: First get all the package names of the apps installed in your device, by using: adb shell pm list packages Step 2: You will get all the package names. Copy the one …
Android: get all installed packages using ADB - Stack Overflow
Dec 5, 2018 · adb shell cmd package list packages This will return a list of the package names of the apps installed on the device.
Which apps that benefit from ADB do you value the most?
So lets share apps that benefit (or require) adb the most (and if at all possible, please include a link :) I'll start with: SystemUI Tuner For some reason, a lot of manufacturers seem to have a …
How to detect running app using ADB command [duplicate]
adb shell ps returns a list of all running processes on the android device, grep apps searches for any row with contains "apps", as you can see above they are all com.google.android.APPS. or …
Best Apps that require an ADB command to work : r/androidapps
May 8, 2021 · And of course, try avoid "fishy" apps that demand ADB permissions. EDIT: I should add that I doubt there's much point in looking for apps that require ADB; from a user …
ADB: How to tap/close from recent apps to completely through …
Oct 11, 2022 · Open recent apps-adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_APP_SWITCHER. Tap the cross X or close all. Depends on your system UI you need to navigate to it and press enter. …
Get Application Name/ Label via ADB Shell or Terminal
May 26, 2017 · I'm developing an application that uses ADB Shell to interface with android devices, and I need some way of printing out the application name or label of an application, …
How to delete an app from adb without knowing it's package name?
then, is there a way to know an application's package name from the phone operation system? Since I can delete apps that I code myself, using adb uninstall com.company.apppackage as …
adb - How do I get an apk file from an Android device ... - Stack …
Oct 27, 2010 · adb shell dumpsys activity activities | grep mFocusedActivity if grep isn't recognized, you're using a Windows terminal use findstr. Best command to get the current app …