ARRL's Logbook of The World
Logbook of The World ®-- LoTW ®-- is a web-accessed database and repository that enables you to submit electronic logs for amateur radio contacts (QSOs) and for confirmation (QSLs). Users can view submitted QSOs and resulting QSLs online.
ARRL's Logbook of the World - American Radio Relay League
About Logbook of The World. About; Mission and Objectives; Getting Started; Submitting QSOs; Viewing Confirmations; Obtaining Award Credit; Renewing Callsign Certificates; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Troubleshooting; Getting Help
Getting Started — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
Getting Started with LoTW. Before you can submit QSOs to Logbook of the World (LoTW), you must install the free TQSL application on your computer.
About Logbook of The World -- LoTW - American Radio Relay …
Logbook of The World ®-- LoTW ®-- is a web-accessed database and repository that enables you to submit electronic logs for amateur radio contacts (QSOs) and for confirmation (QSLs). Users can view submitted QSOs and resulting QSLs online.
lotw-login — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
Specify the LotW Account Username and Password you received in the email message with your initial Callsign Certificate (unless you've been issued a new Username as a result of changing your callsign).
Your Initial Callsign Certificate — Logbook of the World (LoTW) …
Requesting Your Initial Callsign Certificate and LoTW Account Password. If you're just getting started with LoTW and have operated using multiple station callsigns, first request a Callsign Certificate for your current station callsign.
signing — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
To digitally sign a log file for submission to the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) online service, 1. Verify that all of the QSOs in the log file were made with the same Station Callsign (the callsign you used over the air during the QSO), and from the same location.
Station Location — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
if you are participating as an Activator in the ARRL's National Parks On The Air (NPOTA) event, select the Park in which you're operating so your QSO partners will receive NPOTA credit; if you are operating from a location within several Parks, choose the Park selector entry that specifies those Parks joined by + characters, e.g. Appalachian ...
WAS Award Credits — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL WAS Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the WAS Award Account for which you intend to submit an application:
maintaining-lotw — Logbook of the World (LoTW) Help Pages
LoTW notifies you when certain operations complete or fail by posting a message accessible from the Your Account tab of your LoTW Account web page. To view your messages, Login to your LoTW Account