Principles of start codon recognition in eukaryotic translation ...
Selection of the correct start codon during initiation of translation on the ribosome is a key event in protein synthesis. In eukaryotic initiation, several factors have to function in concert to ensure that the initiator tRNA finds the cognate AUG ...
Interpreting cDNA sequences: some insights from studies on
This review discusses some rules for assessing the completeness of a cDNA sequence and identifying the start site for translation. Features commonly invoked-such as an ATG codon in a favorable context for initiation, or the presence of an upstream in-frame terminator codon, or the prediction of a si …
Effect of ATG initiation codon context motifs on the efficiency of ...
Mar 10, 2014 · The context sequence motif surrounding the ATG initiation codon influences mRNA translation efficiency and affects protein production; however, the optimal sequence differs among species.
Sequence Architecture Downstream of the Initiator Codon …
We examined a dataset of highly expressed plant genes to see if they had features conserved downstream of the ATG initiator codon and if such features were in contrast to the genes expressed at low levels.
Start codon disruption with CRISPR/Cas9 prevents murine Fuchs ...
Jun 8, 2021 · An adenine insertion produced a cryptic ATG codon that resulted in disruption of Kozak sequence (G to C at −3 position).
ORFfinder Home - NCBI
Use 'ATG' only as ORF start codon, or all alternative start codons, corresponding to the selected genetic code, or any sense codon (find all stop-to-stop ORFs)
New Universal Rules of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Fidelity
The accepted model of eukaryotic translation initiation begins with the scanning of the transcript by the pre-initiation complex from the 5′end until an ATG codon with a specific nucleotide (nt) context surrounding it is recognized (Kozak rule). ...
The Effect of an Alternate Start Codon on Heterologous ... - PubMed
May 26, 2015 · Analysis of the annotated genomes found that ATG was the most prevalent translational start codon among Mycoplasma spp. However in Mycoplasma gallisepticum a GTG start codon is commonly used in the vlhA multigene family, which encodes a highly abundant, phase variable lipoprotein adhesin.
Fndc5 is translated from an upstream ATG start codon and
May 7, 2024 · Witmer et al. provide genomic and molecular evidence to demonstrate that Fndc5 (irisin myokine precursor protein) is translated in humans from an overlooked upstream ATG codon.
Repeat Associated Non-ATG translation: molecular mechanisms …
Driving higher levels of expression of specific RAN proteins in a particular reading frames with ATG-initiation codon has also been shown to increase cell death and decrease cell viability in comparison to non-ATG or vector controls (Todd et al 2013, Zu et al 2011, Zu et al 2013).