Aldo Busi - Wikipedia
Aldo Busi (born 25 February 1948) is a contemporary Italian writer and translator, famous for his linguistic invention and for his polemic force as well as for some prestigious translations from …
Aldo Busi, "scomparso" da 10 anni. Finita in disgrazia: "Grazie zio ...
Jan 4, 2022 · La triste fine di Aldo Busi. Lo scrittore, intellettuale, "agitatore" e provocatore culturale più amato dalla tv fin dagli anni Ottanta, capace di spaziare tra l'alto e il basso (anzi, …
Aldo Busi | Italian author | Britannica
…20th century was the outrageous Aldo Busi, author of Seminario sulla gioventù (1984; Seminar on Youth) and the pertly titled Vita standard di un venditore provvisorio di collant (1985; …
Aldo Busi (Author of Seminario sulla gioventù) - Goodreads
Aldo Busi is an Italian writer. In his dense and material language, full of influences of various origins, Busi captures, almost through a sympathetic action, the various pulsations of reality. A …
Books by Aldo Busi (Author of Seminario sulla gioventù) - Goodreads
Aldo Busi has 61 books on Goodreads with 16116 ratings. Aldo Busi’s most popular book is Seminario sulla gioventù.
Aldo Busi: books, biography, latest update - amazon.com
Follow Aldo Busi and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Aldo Busi Author Page.
Uses & Abuses: Journeys, Sleepwalkings &: Aldo Busi: …
Nov 6, 1995 · An account of the author's travels to Iceland, South America, the Seoul Olympics and Japan, and his homosexual encounters with Arab boys. Busi's other books include …
- 5/5(1)
ALDO BUSI biografia e libri - settemuse.com
Libro di culto per diverse generazioni in diversi paesi, è tra le opere di maggior successo dello scrittore bresciano insieme al "Manuale della perfetta Gentildonna" e alla raccolta di racconti …
Aldo Busi - The Modern Novel
Aldo Busi was born in Montichiari in 1948. He left home when he was fourteen. After living in Florence and Milan, he graduated from the University of Verona, writing a thesis on John …
Aldo Busi - Wikiwand
Aldo Busi is a contemporary Italian writer and translator, famous for his linguistic invention and for his polemic force as well as for some prestigious translations from English, German and …