What are the origins of All Saints Day and All Souls Day? Are these ...
The designation of November 1 as the Feast of All Saints occurred over time. Pope Gregory III (731-741) dedicated an oratory in the original St. Peter’s Basilica in honor of all the saints on November 1 (at least according to some accounts), and this date then became the official date for the celebration of the Feast of All Saints in Rome.
Who is St. Michael the Archangel? - Catholic Straight Answers
St. Basil and other Greek Fathers ranked St. Michael as the Prince of all the Angels. With the rise of scholasticism and the exposition of the “nine choirs of angels,” some said St. Michael was the prince of the Seraphim, the first of the choirs. (However, St. Thomas Aquinas assigned St. Michael as the prince of the last choir, the angels.)
What is the Easter duty? - Catholic Straight Answers
Pope John Paul II, in a general audience address given on September 15, 1999, reminded bishops of “the importance of the necessary pastoral care for instilling a greater appreciation of the sacrament [of Penance] in the People of God, so that the message of reconciliation, the path of conversion, and the very celebration of the sacrament can ...
What is the Church’s teaching on martyrdom?
The witness of these martyrs coalesces in the apocalyptic vision of the Book of Revelation. Here, St. John saw the angels and saints from every nation and race, people and tongue, standing before the throne and the Lamb. They cried out, “Salvation is from our God, who is seated on the throne, and from the Lamb!”
What is the Gift of Piety? - Catholic Straight Answers
Piety also makes us love and have affection for “God’s friends” — the Blessed Mother Mary, the saints and the angels; or “God’s representatives” who exercise His authority — the Holy Father, the bishop, or parents; or “God’s treasures” — the Bible, the church, or blessed religious objects.
Who are the Mormons and what do they believe?
On April 6, 1830 in Fayette, New York, Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, a title to distinguish themselves with the saints of former times. Smith was the first elder, prophet, seer, and revelator. He started communities in Kirtland, Ohio; Independence and Far West, Missouri; and Nauvoo, Illinois.
one, the heresy is tritheism. (E.g. The Church of Latter-Day Saints, aka Mormons, seem to believe that God the Father (Heavenly Father), Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three separate and distinct beings who together constitute the Godhead.) — that God is one, equal, and If one is able to balance all three basic concepts three persons
What is the Gift of Knowledge? - Catholic Straight Answers
Besides praying each day, 15 minutes devoted to such spiritual reading fuels the soul so that the Holy Spirit can set afire the great gift of knowledge; thereby, we can know the Lord and know His ways. Saint Paul well captured this gift: “I have come to rate all as loss in the light of the surpassing knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ.
saints or the Bible. Just like a history Statues are used as visual reminders of Jesus or the saints. book uses pictures, we sometimes use statues. r IA" rch colors It is used during Easter and Christma Thi te or gold symbolizes happiness and joy. It may also season. It is used for feast davs of saints other than martyrs.
What does the term “holy see” mean? - Catholic Straight Answers
The term “see,” from the Latin “sedes,” is actually the technical term for all dioceses and the places of residence for their bishops. For example, Bishop Loverde is the Bishop of the “See of Arlington” and his cathedral of residence is the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, also in Arlington; the cathedral also houses the bishop’s ...