Allura USA - #1 Fiber Cement Siding Manufacturer | Best Fiber …
The allure of Allura goes far beyond eye-catching curb appeal. On top of products worthy of the industry’s strongest warranty, we bring you the important qualities of responsiveness and reliability.
Allura Shake is all you need to establish a look that’s all your own. Whether you prefer the classic Straight Edge look, the “randomness” of Staggered Edge or the decorative possibilities of our Half Round, Allura Shake makes your design ideas come alive.
Fiber Cement Siding | Fiber Cement Board - Allura USA
Unlike traditional wood, Allura’s Fiber Cement Soffit is engineered to repel moisture, withstand any climate and provide extensive protection around the home. Choose from smooth or traditional wood-grain soffits, both available in solid or ventilated form.
Fiber Cement Lap Siding - Allura USA
Allura Fiber Cement Siding complies with ASTM C1186 and is tested in accordance with ASTM C1185. These testing standards include a stringent review of more than a dozen properties, such as flexural strength, moisture movement, water absorption and …
Fiber Cement Panels | Exterior Siding Panels - Allura USA
Allura Fiber Cement Siding complies with ASTM C1186 and is tested in accordance with ASTM C1185. These testing standards include a stringent review of more than a dozen properties, such as flexural strength, moisture movement, water absorption and …
Fiber Cement Shakes & Shingles - Allura USA
Allura Fiber Cement Siding complies with ASTM C1186 and is tested in accordance with ASTM C1185. These testing standards include a stringent review of more than a dozen properties, such as flexural strength, moisture movement, water absorption and …
Resources - Allura USA
All of the files, documents and downloads you need to get started. For technical inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Where to Buy Allura Siding | Allura Siding Dealers | Allura USA
Looking to buy Allura Siding? Use our dealer map to find an Allura Fiber Cement Siding distributor near you.
Before you begin installation, review the Allura Fiber Cement Siding Installation Manual and all applicable building codes in their entirety. The manual can be downloaded at
Gallery - Allura USA
Experience the Allura difference first-hand. REQUEST A SAMPLE. Ready to get started? Contact one of our dealers. FIND A DEALER. Products. Allura™ Lap Siding; Allura™ Panels; Allura™ Trim; Allura™ Soffit; Allura™ Shake; Request a Sample; Explore. About Allura; Careers; Vizualizer; Dealers; Gallery;